Design, Finance

Flowz Meeting Takes On Zoom

  • Posted On March 13, 2018
  • By Sudheendra

Flowz Meeting Takes on ZOOM, which tool is secure?

Video communication has arrived and it is here to stay! It has proven to be the most powerful way to collaborate and has led to an increase in productivity on every level. This was confirmed by a State of Video Conference report which found that when in-person communication isn’t an option, video conferencing is the preferred way of meeting for teams.

However privacy-minded business owners should consider video conferencing apps carefully. Why? Because some of those platforms can expose them to hackers.

Among the most critical criteria for evaluating a video conferencing solution is end-to-end encryption of calls and data protection policies. 

This is what we will examine when we compare David and Goliath (Zoom and Flowz Meeting) to find out who is secure.


Zoom was preferred by many early on, but questions have been raised about how secure it actually is. Zoom’s rocketing popularity brought with it increased scrutiny, particularly how it handles users’ personal data.

How private and secure are your Zoom calls?

Well, the answer to the above question is, not so private. Rowenna Fielding, a privacy expert and head of individual rights and ethics at Protecture,  confirmed that Zoom’s privacy policy “is a bucket of red flags.”

“They collect a potentially huge amount of personal data from accounts, calls made through the service and from scraping social profiles, but there’s no way to opt out of specific use purposes while continuing to use the service,” she told NY Times.

Zoom’s reputation also took a hit, as the new attention prompted hackers to hijack meetings and exposed a host of security flaws:

  1. “Zoom bombings”, in which hackers enter chat rooms to drop racist language and violent threats.
  2. Motherboard report found Zoom sends data from users of its iOS app to Facebook for advertising purposes.

Flowz Meeting

Meet the new kid on the block, Flowz Meeting. The launch could not have been more timely as working remotely is the new norm. During this COVID-19 crisis teams can use it to collaborate, while students can carry on with their classes without having to leave their homes. Whether you are a business or an educational institution, you are rest assured that  your collaboration is seamless and secure.

It is reliable, meaning it enables users to clear calls without dropping or getting choppy. 

Furthermore, sales teams can share audio, slides, chat, video, and desktop remotely. And thanks to its built-in polling, it is now easy to engage and record a meeting which you can review later.

Flowz’s CMO , Caroline Dalal says, “Our passion to help businesses succeed is reflected in the way we configured the Flowz Meeting app. Our global teams work remotely on a daily basis which entails consistent online collaboration. When providing input on strategies from design elements to video production, you need a tool that is not just user friendly but collaborative at the same time. Also what works for the Flowz teams is just as integral to the success of our clients who also work remotely.”

How private and secure are your Flowz Meeting calls?

One of the most critical features of the Flowz Meeting app is the option for the user to generate unique meeting invites that enable only one-time use by each guest. Also, other controls allow the administrator to control the meeting so that there are no privacy violations. Other remarkable features include the ability to set a calendar and invite multiple guests to meetings.


  • There is no limit to the number of webcams you can use in any given call;
  • Flowz Meeting lets you use a webcam functionality to hold virtual meetings;
  • Teams can have breakout rooms for private meetings;
  • You can upload and annotate presentations in real-time;
  • Moderators can maintain controls of the meeting;
  • It is affordable.

Wait there is more…

Flowz Meeting has a  whiteboard! 

Flowz Meeting has a multi-user whiteboard which allows for multiple users to give their feedback, send public and private messages, or send unique logins to guests so that only the people you invite can join.

So you are safe from issues such as “Zoom bombings”—which can see uninvited guests crash your chat. 

Who can use Flowz Meeting?

  1. Healthcare providers: Instead of a patient coming in to see a doctor every time they feel ill, they can schedule a video appointment.
  2. Education institutions: Teachers and tutors can use Flowz Meeting to make classes available to a broader group of students. Classes can take place virtually, with students logging in to interact with their teacher’s lectures and to participate in discussions in real-time.
  3. Small and medium-sized businesses: More than 60% of employees in the US currently work remotely. Flowz Meeting will give small and medium-sized businesses the chance to hire people who live anywhere in the country.

Some of the benefits of using Flowz Meeting

  • Flowz Meeting allows for flexibility:

One of the advantages of using Flowz Meeting is that meetings can still run as planned – despite unforeseen journey delays. 

  1. Flowz Meeting is a perfect solution for remote working:

Businesses around the world have allowed teams to work remotely following the outbreak of COVID-19. It will be a real game changer for employers and employees alike.

  1. Flowz Meeting saves you money and time:

Similar to conference calling, video conferencing eliminates expenses for travel costs like airfares, train tickets, staff meals and hotel bills.

  1. It’s more engaging than audio conferencing:

Teams can share slides or videos. Or draw on the white board to illustrate. Plus, there’s pressure to maintain “virtual eye contact”, which translates to superior levels of engagement.

  1. There is increased efficiency and productivity:

Participants spend their time in a meeting rather than traveling to it. This translates to higher for efficiency and productivity.

  1. It improves relationships:

Using Flowz Meeting is an excellent way to build professional relationships with colleagues and clients alike.

What are you waiting for? Test drive Flowz Meeting here today!

About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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