Design, Ecommerce, Web Design

10 Best Ecommerce Website Designs to Inspire from

  • Posted On March 9, 2021
  • By Sudheendra

Designing an e-commerce website is no stroll in the park, particularly if you’ll be designing it for the first time. Where should you begin? With planning your e-commerce website design. The first item on your plan list should be your “business model”. Next up, you need a detailed list of features that will allow you to have an idea about what your e-commerce should or should not have. On your features list you can include the following: 

  • Content Management capabilities,
  • Email marketing features,
  • Payment features,
  • A blog section,
  • Color palette,
  • Brand voice,
  • Promotion and discount code tools,
  • An easy-to-use checkout, and so on.

Other factors that you need to pay close attention to include the look and feel of your online store, your target market, the warehouse where your products will be stored, the shipping costs, excise duties, (and similar applicable taxes), and don’t forget the overall user experience of your online store.

What is an e-commerce platform?

Well, an e-commerce platform is an end-to-end online tool that allows entrepreneurs to run their online stores. Most e-commerce platforms have a variety of features such as website building functionality, inventory management, and accounting.

You are likely to find these three types of e-commerce platforms: SaaS, open-source, and headless commerce. Examples of e-commerce platforms include Amazon, Shopify, Magento, Kibo, etc.

While running your store online is relatively cheaper, it can be time-consuming, and challenging. That’s why you need an e-commerce platform that will allow you to process payments, schedule deliveries, and update products effectively.

Consider these quick facts before building an e-commerce site:
Studies show that 76% of consumers consider ease of use on an online store as the number contributor to making a purchase.
Consumers who are above 55 years are beginning to make purchases online.

A feel for the product

Most shoppers today will not make a purchase online unless they get a good feel for the product. That means your online store needs to have quality photos of each product. Potential buyers will often zoom in to get a feel for the product and read reviews to see if the product is worth buying. You can use this outsourcing platform to hire a professional photo editor who can edit all images of your online store. Alternatively, you can incorporate Augmented Reality (AR) into your online store, another service that you can find on the aforementioned outsourcing platform.

Here are the 10 best e-commerce website designs to inspire from:

1 Bohemian Trader

Bohemian Trader is a perfect example of an e-commerce site for clothing. What will blow your mind most about this online store is its look and feel. Not only that; the user-friendliness is also out of this world. Once you land on the Bohemian Trader’s site you’ll be able to navigate it with ease, compare prices, and more. The website builders did a sterling job of adding categories such as sale items, “What’s New”, “SALE”, “Campaign”, where they should be. Plus, you get to choose to pay in four currencies.


  • Bohemian Trader’s site is easy to navigate
  • It is not cluttered with text.
  • You can easily browse it even with your mobile phone.
  • Only high-resolution pictures were used across the site.

2. Dick Moby

Another ecommerce website design that will evoke your inspiration is Dick Moby, which specializes in selling sunglasses. The first thing that will attract you is its stunning design, which is a flawless fusion of animation elements and patterns. Another thing that will strike you is its few categories, which include “Story“, “Sunglasses”, “Men”, “Women”, and “Eyeglasses”. Over and above that, all pictures used by Dick Moby are high-quality images.


  • Dick Moby’s e-commerce website design is aesthetically appealing.
  • It has only a few categories.
  • The site is easy to navigate.


The first thing that will wow you about the design of ESQIDO, is its excellent combination of colors. You also don’t have to do some guess-work as to what this online store could be selling. A close-up picture of eyeliner and lipstick says it all.


  • Esqido designers have slayed the design by using the right colors and fonts.

4. Mahabis

There are several elements that may make you gush over the Mahabis website. First off, the design is immaculate and simple. Consumers can easily navigate to the gift they want without scratching their heads. The quality pictures used on the site tell what kind of product Mahabis sells. If you are an existing customer, you can return your order, recycle your old Mahabis, track your old order, and more.


  • The design is immaculate.
  • Customers don’t have to guess what the store sells – the pictures say it all.

5. Poketo

One of the salient components of the Poketo online store is its vibrant colors. Moreover, it is easy to use, which is such a boon to consumers over the age of 55. Interestingly, the fonts used across the website are easy to read and complements the logo very well. The designers used coral, white salmon, and amber colors, and sky blue to create a stunning design.


  • Poketo designers have used stunning colors.
  • The site is user-friendly for elderly users.
  • The logo design is amazing.

6. Welly Warehouse

If you want to get inspiration from using a minimalist approach on your e-commerce site, then you need to check out Welly’s website. On this website, developers made a point of excluding anything that will distract buyers. First and foremost, there are only five buttons and a few quality images that match a sleek design. Secondly, this e-commerce site is not cluttered with text. Where text is used, it is used only to promote products. Brilliant stuff!


  • A minimalist approach used by Welly Warehouse makes the website unique.
  • It is easy to navigate.

7. Apple

There is a lot that business owners can learn from Apple. From how they design products, that includes their website as well. Once you land on Apple’s e-commerce site you’ll notice that designers have used a minimalist approach in a subtle manner, and still manage to use text to drive a message home. Furthermore, the website is not just aesthetically appealing but easy to navigate as well.


  • The design of the website is brilliant.
  • The website is not cluttered with too much text.
  • All images are high resolution.

8. Sarah’s Snacks

What makes Sarah’s Snacks design stand out is its clean layout and fonts. Unlike other e-commerce sites, customers are not confused by convoluted menus that take you to other pages randomly. When you click shop, for instance, you know that you are about to shop, and if you want to do some background research, you know where to click.


  • The layout is clean.
  • Designers have added only a few buttons.
  • It is easy to navigate.

9. Rebecca Atwood Store

While this e-commerce site is a tad cluttered, that doesn’t take away its stunning design. Designers fused an ancient look and feel with modern elements to give it a unique look. All the images used on this site are first-class, and fonts are distinctive. The content is engaging and the overall design, aesthetically appealing.


  • Rebecca Atwood Store designers have combined a great design with fonts and colors immaculately.
  • The website is easy to navigate.

10. Beacon Stores

What’s more fascinating about this e-commerce website is that it is an easy-to-navigate site. Furthermore, once you land on the site, pictures tell you what the store offers, which is men’s and women’s clothing. It is a good example of a well-organized online store as well.


  • The products are well-listed.
  • Each product has at least three quality images.
  • You can easily zoom in to get a good feel for each product.

In closing
Your ultimate goal should be to help your prospective and returning buyers access products faster. What that means is:

  • Your e-commerce site should be responsive to all devices, including mobile phones.
    Your site should be easy to browse.
  • Your site should have all the important categories such as payment options, a cart, shipping options, etc.
  • Last but not least, your site should be secure.

If you are still not sure how to go about designing a perfect e-commerce website, this sourcing platform has a pool of talent that you can try.

About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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