Design, Ecommerce, Web Design

9 Website Layout Designs to Boost Conversions & User Experience

  • Posted On March 12, 2021
  • By Sudheendra

Having an aesthetically pleasing website is not beneficial unless it helps you grow your business. Any website that doesn’t help you achieve the following is worthless:

  • Generate new leads,
  • Sell products or services,
  • Retain customers, and
  • Raise brand awareness. 

Granted, planning your website design guided by the above-mentioned goals is crucial. However, that doesn’t mean you should neglect the user-experience (UX). Why? Because increasing conversions is nearly impossible without having a great UX.

But, before we delve deep into the nitty-gritty of boosting conversions, first things first:

 How does UX influence conversions?  

Great UX influences conversions in many ways. How long a new visitor stays on your website largely depends on the UX of the site. The average time users spend on a website is 15 seconds. Your ultimate goal should be to decrease bounce rate by improving UX. 

According to Yoast, bounce rate happens for one of the following reasons:

  •  The UX of the website is poor.
  • Your content doesn’t match your value proposition. 
  • Visitors can’t find the information they are looking for. 

Conversions won’t happen so long as your website doesn’t communicate your value proposition well. Improve your UX, your conversion rate will shoot up. Consider the following website user-experience facts:

  • At least 88% of people wouldn’t return to your website if it’s not user-friendly. 
  • 70% of entrepreneurs fail to market their businesses online because of bad UX.
  • Only 45% of businesses test their UX.
  • 53% of mobile users leave a page if it takes too long to load. 
  •  75% of people form their judgment based on how a website looks.

Website anatomy

There are no hard and fast rules to designing a great layout for your website. But, most great websites were not built on quicksand. Every website that you visit has anatomy that was planned and designed carefully. Where do you begin designing anatomy for your site? By thinking about the user journey. Then ask yourself, what are your user’s expectations? Once you nail those two factors it becomes pretty easy to design a website that will have a great UX. 

Now think about your own browsing experience of any website that you’ve visited recently.  How was the UX like? Chances are if it was great you stayed on the website for more than 15 seconds. Hence brands with great UX such as Netflix, Uber, and Amazon, continue growing. 

Designing a great website

Designing a web page that delivers great results requires that you invest time and money. Think about your website as a digital brochure that anyone visiting your office picks up and browse through. It should present your products or services in the most appealing way.

Ideally, follow the below easy steps and design a website that will boost your conversions: 

Step 1: Design your website with the UX in mind. Why is this crucial? It allows you to create the kind of website that publishes only engaging content. The kind of content that makes your prospect pause and feel. Research shows that emotion still drives purchasing behaviors. 

Step 2: Find out what kind of content appeals to your target market, and which devices they use to consume it. Is it videos, podcasts, text, or a combination of all aforementioned content? 

Step 3: Establish which problems your prospects are trying to solve, and publish the kind of content that reminds them of those problems.  

Step 4: Next up, focus on navigation. Is your website easy to navigate? Your website’s navigation structure plays a huge role in driving conversions, maximizing sales, and reducing bounce rates.

Step 5: Create a stunning design for your website. If you don’t present your brand professionally, no one will take your brand seriously. 

If users struggle to find what they are looking for on your website, expect them to abandon it for your rivals.  That’s the last thing you. So, hire someone who can help you create an easy-to-navigate website at an affordable price. Don’t know where to begin looking? This outsourcing platform is the first place to look.  

Remember, a badly designed website has much less chance of appearing on the first page of Google and other search engines, which means you won’t be able to acquire organic leads. 

Here are 9 examples of website designs that will inspire you to create a magnificent website: 

  1. AQuest

If you are looking for a website design that will inspire your imagination immensely, then you should check out AQuest’s website. AQuest’s designers have used animations and other visual elements flawlessly.  They have also added audio, cursor hover effects, and unique fonts.  It’s amazing how the designers fused different elements and still managed to showcase their creativity. Effortlessly.


  • The layout of the website is excellent.
  • The website is easy to use.
  • It uses few elements.
  • It has a great UX experience.2. Meet the winner of Best Website Design: ETQ

There are numerous reasons why the ETQ website walked away with an accolade of “The Best Website Of The Year”. But, we will focus only on four takeaways:

  • ETQ used a minimalist approach flawlessly. First and foremost, the landing page of this website is not crammed with too much text, which is one of the salient points you should consider. 
  • The website is easy to navigate. Users are not frustrated by links that take them to nowhere. Also, every page that you click opens instantly.

The website doesn’t take long to load! This should be one of your aims as well. You can’t expect to boost conversions while your website takes long to open.

  1. Netflix

Netflix remains the best TV and movie streaming platform for many users because of its user-friendly website.

Let’s examine the takeaways of the website closely: 

  • Netflix’s website is not crammed with text. Users get an idea of what the site is all about from the word go.
  • Only two colors dominate the website: red and white. Netflix uses red fonts on its logo and white across the website.
  • The landing page has a clear call-to-action.
  • It’s relatively easy to sign up and browse for movies and TV shows.

Woven Magazine


Woven Magazine understands that designing a great website and disseminating content goes hand in hand. Their designers made an effort of creating a website that appeals to readers. 


  • The designers used genuine images. 
  • They used visible video thumbnails.
  •  They published only well-written articles.
  •  Lastly, they designed a clean website that makes their brand stand out.

5. Montage

Montage used great UX to take their brand to another level. Their website shows off their wide range of services, and how prospects can purchase from them. Users can easily navigate the website, select a service they want, and reserve their space at a click of a button.



  • The website is easy to navigate.
  • The website uses quality images.
  • All the fonts used are easy to read.
  • The designers have used the right colors.

6. A24 Films

A24 Films

One of the designs that you should check out is, A24. In this website, designers nail UX and UI elements and fused content with them. Nothing is too much; no font is invisible. Plus, the website doesn’t take long to load.  


  • A24 Films designers have used only original images, there are no stock images.
  • Their message is simple and clear.
  • It is easy to navigate.
  • The website is mobile-friendly.
  • The landing page has a clear call-to-action.

7. Zillow


Zillow’s design is another perfect example that you can inspire from. This real-estate platform wouldn’t be a market leader without this user-friendly website.  Let’s look at it closely.

Once you land on the landing page you don’t have to guess as to what Zillow is all about, the website says it all. The design is clean, images are original, fonts are clear. This is simplicity at its best. 


  • The Zillow website has a clean design.
  • The Zillow website has a great search tool.
  • The website can work well on any device, including mobile phones and tablets as well.
  • The website has incorporated great UX and UI elements.
  1. Inside Abbey Road

 Inside Abbey Road is one of the most renowned recording studios in the world. Why? Because the company invested in designing one of the magnificent websites. Land on the Abbey Road’s website, it will take you straight inside both the studio and the studio’s history. The content they published on the website is high-quality, and super-focused. 


  • The website is user-friendly.
  • It has a great design.
  • It fuses great color with visual content.

9. Amazon


Last but not least, let’s take a good look at the Amazon website. What do we see? A brilliant website. It has two hallmarks of a great website, which are: well designed and functional. Moreover, the website represents the Amazon brand well, while at the same time promoting its products and services.  Here’s why Amazon has one of the most high-converting websites in the world.


  • It is user-friendly.
  • It is optimized for Mobile.
  • It publishes fresh, Quality Content.
  • It has clear calls to action. …
  • It is optimized for SEO and Social Web.

About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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