Lead Generation

5 Best Lead Generation Services For Small Businesses

  • Posted On September 10, 2021
  • By Sudheendra

Every entrepreneur knows this; you can’t grow a business without generating quality leads. It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling products or services. Or what kind of industry you’re in. 

There are many lead generation services out there. Some are efficient, others are not. You can use the efficient ones to grow your small business. But you’ll benefit if the lead generation service you choose is reliable and affordable.

 An excellent lead generation service should: 

  • Go beyond driving traffic to your website.
  •  It should capture quality leads that you can use to grow your small business. 

We know that finding an excellent lead generation service can be a challenge. Hence we’ve compiled a list of lead generation services for you. Before we jump in, let’s answer these two crucial questions: 

Why does lead generation matter?

Lead generation is at the crux of growing small businesses. Without it, getting new customers and maximizing profits, it’s impossible. Why? Because for a small business to grow, it needs a continuous flow of new customers. 

All paying customers more or less go through a similar path. They start as leads. A lead created by a lead generator and vetted by the sales team. Then they become prospects.  Then your sales team converts them into paying customers. 

What is lead generation service?

There are many ways of defining a lead generation service. The simplest definition is, lead generation service collects information from various potential buyers. There are different methods of lead generators you use. 

Some businesses use email marketing. Others use social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook. While some can also use a landing page. It will all depend on whether or not, your marketing is B2C or B2B. Also, on the demographics of your prospects. 

Startling lead generation stats to ponder on:

  • At least 88% of successful B2B marketing campaigns use a lead generation service. (Source: Content Marketing Institute)
  • Using lead generation service costs small businesses 62% less. (Source: Demand Metric)
  • Small Business owners that follow-up on leads are 9 times likely to convert them. (Source: InsideSales.com)
  • 46% of businesses that use lead generation are likely to close sales. 

Common lead generation methods: 

  • Content – Small businesses still use content to generate quality leads. The type of content they use can be anything. From blog posts, e-books, case studies, videos, infographics, and more. The most important thing about using content to generate leads is, it needs to resonate with your target audience. It should evoke certain feelings and educate prospects at the same time. 
  • Email – Another way of generating quality leads is through email. With the right strategy in place, small businesses can use email to generate tons of leads. More so if you outsource this service to pros from a platform like this one. [More about this later.]
  • Social media – You can generate leads on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. All you need is a good strategy and a seasoned lead generation specialist by your side. 
  • Landing pages – Another lead generation tool is optimizing your landing page. Some businesses add a contact form for a visitor to leave contact details. Others embed an explainer video, which asks new visitors to leave their contact information. 

Here are five lead generation services that you can use to grow your small business: 

  1. Flowz LinkedIn Lead Generation Service

Flowz LinkedIn Service is one lead generation every small business should go for. Flowz pro knows that LinkedIn is a goldmine for qualified leads. They know that LinkedIn appeals to business leaders, so it’s easy to contact them using this platform. They use features such as Sales Navigator to generate leads on LinkedIn. But there are other features that they can use as well. 

What’s more, all Flowz Linkedin experts are result-driven. So you know you’ll get quality leads at an affordable price. You don’t have to sign binding contracts; all you have to do is sign up and start using the platform right away. 

  1. Flowz Email Lead Generation Service

Another great lead generation service you should consider is “Flowz Email Lead Generation. It is an affordable, quick, and efficient service. Any business can enjoy using, irrespective of size or industry. Flowz experts use proven email copy that generates leads like nobody’s business. After a few days of working with you, you know that: You’ll get quality leads to your Inbox and CRM within days. 

  1. Adori

Adori is another service for small businesses. You can use it to drive new visitors through a customized journey. The only difference between Adori and other services is doesn’t generate leads. Yet you can use it to convert them as well. 

Adori has a tool that supports analyzing data, designing, and tracking leads. You can use it to draft many messages for your campaigns. And for A/B testing as well. It comes with geolocation and goal tracking features that make planning easy. 

  1. Leaderfeeder 

You can use Leaderfeeder to see who has visited your website. You can use it to view what visitors of your site do, which content they consume, and so on. Improving your website will be easy, and increasing conversion possible. From there, everything will be easy. The Leaderfeed will provide the contact information of your visitors. If you want to get up-to-date information you can integrate it with Google Analytics. 

  1. Right Inbox 

Right Inbox is a tool you should use if you want to improve your email efforts. It allows business owners to track email opens. To automate email follow-ups and set up new emails too. With this tool, you won’t lose track of the conversation with prospects. It makes generating leads easy and communicating with prospects. 

You can use it to schedule email batches and send them when they are likely to read them. Create email templates you and your team can use anytime with one click. Personalize the email copy, and send your email campaigns. See when prospects open emails when they click on your links. And follow-up with them with the right message.

Generating quality leads depends not only on the kind of service you use but also on how much you spend. Are you looking for an affordable leading generation service for your business?

Sign up with Flowz today!

About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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