Lead Generation

5 Benefits Of Using Lead Generation In Your Real Estate Business

  • Posted On September 14, 2021
  • By Sudheendra

There are many technical methods of generating leads for a real estate business. Some methods are efficient; others are not. You need to know which method would work,  which can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not an expert.

Or if you’re no well-versed in different technology. But it can also be time-consuming and expensive if you hire the wrong agency to help you.

Lead generation itself is no easy feat. Most lead generation specialists make a lot of promises and deliver less. Only a few can provide quality leads. You’re likely to find them if you outsource lead generation to a platform like Flowz.  They have experts who have what it takes to turn cold emails into hot leads.

Quick stats on using lead generation:

  • At least 41% of real estate buyers reach out to an agent after receiving an email.
  • 53% of business owners spend half of their marketing budget on lead generation
  • Leads are nine times more likely to convert when real-estate agents follow up.

There is something unique about lead generation for real estate.  First, when you generate leads online, it becomes easy to convert them. Already they need a home, and as a real estate business, you have to help them find it.

Are leads free?

Gone are the days of handing out leads for free. Most real estate business owners pay thousands of dollars to get leads. Others pay for not even getting any leads. Some lead generators may even send you leads that are not qualified.  Before we can delve deeper, first things first: 

What Lead Generation For Real Estate Matters? 

Lead generation attracts potential buyers and converts them into leads. Most of them would have a vested interest in the property. Or they would be actively looking for a house.

Example: Vinolia is a divorced mother of two. She is looking for a new house. She gets an email announcing new dwellings. She rereads the email, and again. She imagines herself living in a new home with her two daughters, away from her abusive ex-husband. She decides to send the real estate her contact details. After a few days later, the agent invites Vinolia to come and view an apartment not far from her place of work. She decides that this is right for her.

For every lead generation campaign, you need to consider the following stages:


  • The Awareness Stage – Ask yourself this: At what stage would be the recipient of this campaign? In other words, which problem are they trying to solve a problem? And what are their pain points? Try to address those pain points with your first lead generation campaign.
  • The Evaluation Stage  – At this stage, prospects are evaluating different options. Your second campaign should propose some solutions.
  • The Conversion Stage – At this stage, a prospect is almost ready to buy your property. But they may have lingering doubts. Use your campaign to address some of those doubts.

Here are some of the benefits to outsourcing lead generation for your real estate:

  1. Outsourcing allows you to segment your leads

While most prospects are already looking, they don’t fall under the same category. Some are first-time buyers who are looking for small apartments. Others are looking for office blocks or warehouses to rent. Outsourcing lead generation allows you to organize your leads.

Example: Flowz’s lead generation experts can organize leads by various criteria. They can use “hot” or “cold” or “residential” or “corporate” to categorize leads.

  1. Outsourcing lead generation helps you capture real estate leads fast

One of the best benefits of outsourcing is that it allows you to get leads faster. You don’t have to wait weeks for a lead.  Lead generation experts know how to capture the right leads. They don’t have to waste time trying to figure things out.

Example: Flowz lead for real estate can generate faster using cutting-edge technologies.

  1. Outsourcing lead generation allows you to work with an expert

Most lead generation agencies charge thousands of dollars. Whereas if you hire a lead generation specialist on a platform like Upwork, you may pay between $25 to $80 per hour. Worse still, you can spend more and still not get the kind of leads that you’re looking for.

Solution: Sign up with a platform like Flowz, and pay only one subscription, and get tons of leads within days. No signing binding contracts, no freelancer hassles.

  1. Outsourcing lead generation will save you time

Recruiting talent can be a hit and a miss.  First, you have to write a job spec, then advertise it on a different platform, which can cost you money as well. Thereafter, you’ll spend hours shortlisting candidates. Then you’ll spend hours interviewing and testing candidates.

Solution: Everything moves fast once you outsource to a platform like Flowz. All you have to do is sign up, submit a brief, and Flowz pro will take care of the rest. Plus, you’ll get access to 1000+ services and business software. Flowz experts will ensure that every second they invest delivers quality leads. They have done it for many other real estate businesses, and they will do it for you as well.

  1. Outsourcing lead generation Allows You to Grow Your Real Estate Business

Instead of doing everything yourself, rather outsource to a lead generation specialist. This will allow you to focus on selling more houses. And you’ll know that each lead you get doesn’t need any qualification. A lead generation specialist will do that for you.

Example: Out of 100 leads that you get each month, 20 will end up buying. 10 of them will refer someone, and 5 of them will buy again. That’s how powerful lead generation can be!

Are you looking for someone to generate quality leads for your real estate? Flowz uses tried and tested methods of generating quality leads. With only one subscription. you will get tons of leads and access to other 1000+ services and business software.

Sign up today, and start getting quality leads. 

About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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