Lead Generation

Top Lead Generation Strategies & Services for Financial Advisors

  • Posted On September 2, 2021
  • By Sudheendra

The success of any business begins with leads. However, one of the biggest challenges financial advisors face is getting a steady and reliable flow of qualified customers. Most financial advisors use word-of-mouth marketing to bring new clients on board. Although it may be an effective method, it may not be enough to keep the customer nor sustain the practice. That is why it is important to use the lead generation services from Flowz. They use a bunch of strategies to ensure your business gets new leads which in turn promotes the health and growth of your business.

Once a customer is interested in your service, Flowz uses different tactics to identify and attract potential leads and convert them into action.

How the process works of lead generation works?

In lead generation, the sales and marketing processes are interwoven into these important stages:

  • Awareness: This is the point where the customers are first aware of your brand which is also called the top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) stage. They may hear or read about your brand in a blog, on social media, a magazine, video or website
  • Consideration: This is the middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) stage where your potential customers evaluate your offering with the view of taking it up.
  • Decision: When the customers choose your service, they fall under the bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) group

What is the importance of a lead generation service for financial advisors?

In this digital age, most customers are online, and they are actively browsing for information they need. As a financial advisor it is important that your business is not only online, but it should also be detailed which will in turn get the right traction from potential customers. It is important to make it easy for them to find your business on search engines.

Lead generation can help you increase your brands reach without having to spend a lot of money. One way your company can do this is through content marketing and using certain keywords related to your business that you can include in your blog, article, e-mail, and e-newsletters. It makes your brand searchable, gives your leads information about your service and empowers them to make informed decisions before they convert. Once you have earned their trust, you can then build it by providing valuable services and running special promotions to keep them.

Benefits of outsourcing lead generation services for financial advisors

Financial ease: hiring and training a new team of sales team is costly than outsourcing this service. Outsourcing this service is cost effective and helps you lessen the financial burden of having to hire and manage additional staff. Flowz has the technological resources, manpower and software for this purpose so when you outsource your lead generation service to them you will not have to worry about anything.

Quick turn-around: when you outsource your lead generation service, it means that you can kick-start your project in a matter of days as opposed to having an inhouse team. You can also scale up or down on the team as and when required without spending much time or money.

Marketing insights: before you start your sales campaign, it is important to analyze the leads to maximize on the promotion. Your in-house team may spend months researching and trying to get the right audience. Outsourcing your lead generation service to a company such as Flowz will help your business get expert insights and detailed reports which you can use to improve your campaign and cuts the amount of time you would take to achieve this.

Good quality leads: your database is constantly updated and refreshed with new and potential leads.

Access to the latest technology: Outsourcing your lead generation services to Flowz means that they can handle the entire journey for you using cutting-edge technology. Their infrastructure is already set up and they can use software to track all your potential leads. This enhances your business and helps it to grow to its full potential.

What is Flowz?

Flows is a reliable back-office outsourcing service that offers services and software solutions tailored to suit your business needs. They offer hundreds of business services; lead generation being one of them, at the lowest price possible. Our highly trained team of over 3000+ highly skilled professionals are equipped to handle an array of tasks for short-term or long-term projects. Flows has over 15 years’ experience in the industry and is trusted by over 4000 customers.

How Flows works;

  • Click here to visit their website
  • Log in using your Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn credentials. Alternatively, you can register for an account on their website.
  • You will get first 2 hours of services free, access to all the software and a lifetime free Flowz account

Also read: 5 Best Lead Generation Services for Small Business

How Flowz can generate more leads for your business?

Most financial advisors find it hard to attract new customers while some may not have the time to get new ones. Although networking may play a huge role in getting more and new customers, you need to maintain a steady flow of highly qualified leads into your business.

Flowz can help you achieve this by combining both old and new lead generation strategies to reach a much wider audience, allowing you to focus on running your business.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

Creating content for your business is not enough. It is important to optimize it so that it can be searchable on search engine such as Google and it should rank high on the pages. Flowz does this by creating target keyword-based content for your website, create SEO optimized URL’s, title tags, headers, alt tags and linking internal content with external content. Additionally, they can use social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook Twitter and Instagram to promote your brand, newsletters, podcasts and even blogs.

Research shows that 99% of consumers check their personal emails every day which makes email marketing one of the most effective online lead generation tactic.  Flowz uses this avenue to connect our customers with your business. It is a low-cost alternative to other forms of digital marketing. They create multiple personalized automated emails which are sent over a 10-day span to ensure the customers take up the offers and convert.

  • Google AdWords

Flowz can help you to chose specific keywords that you want to advertise for your business so that when people are more likely to land on your page when they are looking for financial advisor services.  Google AdWords is an effective lead generation tool that Flowz uses to get quality leads for your business. They achieve this by creating landing pages that are seamless and intuitive. To get the maximum leads for your business, Flowz carefully chooses keywords that cover two audiences; those who know what to search for and those who don’t know or have no specific keyword to search for.

  • Social Media

Today, social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn contain several active users who are looking for financial advice. Flowz can use social media to generate quality leads for your business and to increase your brand visibility. Some social media channels can allow you to reach certain demographics which means that your ad can reach the specific people you want to target.

LinkedIn is an online network of professionals that has a reach of over 300 million users worldwide. That’s why it is important to incorporate it into your content marketing strategy.  Flowz can help your business to harness the power of LinkedIn to build your business online presence and reach new audiences. Using tools such as the Sales Navigator, Flowz can help you generate quality leads by targeting them based on their location, industry, job title, administration level and company size. Using specific keywords, Flowz can help you tap into the lead generating platform and connect with the decision-makers and influencers of your customers.

Want to learn more about Flowz?

Contact us Today

About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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