Video Conferencing

The Only Video Conferencing Do’s and Don’ts Checklist You’ll Need

  • Posted On August 25, 2022
  • By Amen Mpofu


Do you want to stay connected with your remote teams? Video conferencing is a cost-effective way to interact with your remote staff in different time zones. But it can be tricky to ensure you’re being polite and respectful.

The Do’s

Here are some of the biggest do’s and don’ts for video conferencing etiquette:

Do's of video conferencing

Check your hardware and internet connection

First things first, test your devices and check your internet connection.

Picture this. You’re on a video conference call to close the deal of your life. And your call comes to a screeching halt. Everything goes blank.

So, to avoid embarrassment and the possible loss of business, test your hardware before you hop on a conference call. Check if your speakers, microphone, and headphones are working perfectly.

Check your internet connection to see if it has the proper speed to allow for a high-quality video call. For example, let’s say you use the secure Flowz video conferencing app. And your virtual meeting has about 7 people or more.

You’ll need excellent internet speed to ensure your download/upload speed is fast enough to avoid a frozen screen or sudden call stoppage. Run an internet speed test before your virtual meeting.

Keep an eye on your appearance

Would you want to see one of your online conference participants in pajamas or looking like a drenched cat? Of course not.

So dressing professionally or following your company’s dress code is vital. Even though you’re in a virtual meeting, your appearance is critical to video conference etiquette. How you look can break or make your meeting.

Choose colors that will contrast nicely with your background. Solid colors are always a safe bet.

Remember, the video conference platform puts you front and center.

Everyone can see you. Be tidy. Also, check your background because it can affect the video call quality. Note the following:

  • Choose warm lighting or use a ring light. Avoid poor lighting. No one wants to talk to a ghost-like shape.
  • Position your camera at your eye level.
  • Use the video conference software settings to change or hide your background. Some apps have a “background blur” feature to add a fun virtual appearance.

Mute your microphone if you’re not speaking

Background noises like running water or your pet making some noise can distract others if you forget to mute yourself. It’s a good idea to keep your microphone off when not speaking.

Also, if you want to say something, use the chat feature or raise your hand using an emoji. It ensures everyone pays maximum attention.

Introduce yourself

When you enter the conference, introduce yourself to everyone on the call. It’ll help create an atmosphere of collaboration and allow everyone to get to know one another better. It’s also an excellent way to break the ice and start on a positive note.

Be attentive

Fidgeting around or looking away from the camera during the conference call could show you’re bored. It can also affect other participants’ attitudes towards the meeting.

So look straight at your camera to let others see into your eyes. It’ll indicate you’re interested and engaged. And this is essential video conference etiquette, especially if you’re the main speaker.

You can remain the center of attention so that everyone can follow your presentation.

Speak up

Speak up if you’re in a noisy environment or having trouble hearing! It’s crucial that everyone on the call can hear each other well so that they can take part in discussions with no problems.

Record the video conference for absent colleagues

Quick projects and last-minute deadlines can pop up unexpectedly throughout the workday. It’s a good idea to record your video call so that late or absent colleagues can tune in later at their convenience to catch up on the information. But make sure you’ve got permission to record.

The Don’ts

Don'ts of video conferencing

Don’t be late for the call

If you’re running late, let your colleagues know as soon as possible so they can adjust their schedules accordingly.

Avoid multitasking while on a video call

It’s tempting to check your emails, answer your phone, or text someone because your meeting isn’t in-person. Maybe you think no one can see you.

Don’t try to be a multi-tasking hero. Avoid doing too many things during a video conference call. No texting and phoning. Concentrate on one thing-the meeting.

But you can take a sip of water if it’s a long meeting. Mind the size of your container.

Don’t talk over each other

While you should ask questions, don’t talk over guests. Wait until your turn comes to say something. Use the chat section to make contributions.

Don’t leave the meeting unexpectedly

Communicate with an apology if you want to leave the meeting early. It shows that you respect the meeting and the other participants.

These video conferencing etiquettes can set you up for success. Your meetings can be productive and benefit everyone.

You also need to use the latest and most secure video conferencing software like the Flowz meeting app, which can be a game changer.

The Flowz meeting tool is a user-friendly video conferencing app for audio and video calls, screen sharing, and chat. You can use it for remote meetings, team collaboration, and communication.

With its multi-user whiteboard, you can use Flowz meeting software to make notes, give feedback, and share ideas on your projects.

Every participant can follow the discussions on a secure professional communication platform. As the host, you can create unique login details to restrict the conference call to the people you invite.

Conferencing for business can save you time and money. But it can be a waste of time if you don’t know the do’s and don’ts.

Here’s a quick video conference planning checklist:

Video conferencing etiquette is a set of rules you must follow during a video call. They make the conversation more effective and enjoyable for your remote team.

Start your video conference calls today with the most secure Flowz Meeting app. It’ll allow your remote team to chat with each other while they are on the call, share screens and presentations, and record the meeting.

No recurring fees. No contracts. No long-term commitments. No time limits during your meeting. Use it for free today.

About Amen Mpofu

Amen Mpofu is a prolific writer with a knack for SEO. He has helped companies worldwide to grow their businesses by improving their online presence. Amen has written two non-fiction books, which are available on Amazon.

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