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Tips to choose a data storage solution for your business

  • Posted On March 24, 2022
  • By Sudheendra

If you are into a business, you will know how hard it is to store files. Large rooms, massive file cabinets, and people to sort them. But, let’s thank technology which has taken off the burden in the name of digital files. And this is what we will talk about now, paperless files, digital documents, electronic storage, server storage, and online data storage. 

What is data storage?

Data storage is how you keep your electronic files. Simply said, it is where electronic files are maintained. 

What are the types of data storage?

Basically, there are three main types of data storage. However, all three come with some pros and cons. Based on your business type, you should choose one of the three.

1. Cloud storage:

This is the most in-demand type of storage. It is easy to access and easy to use. You just need a username and password to use it. Although it is user-friendly and highly convenient, it is a bit costly to store excessive data. So, if your business has a capital deficiency, it should be chosen after careful thought. 

2. Server-based or hyper-convergence storage:

This type is ideal if you are an enterprise-level user. You need servers at your location to store data in this way. It is perfect if you have too much data to store. It requires individual staff to maintain these servers. 

3. Traditional storage:

You need a local server at your location for this type of storage. It acts as a drive for you and can be shared amongst your users. It is perfect for small businesses. 

The loophole is you should have a backup for such type of storage to withstand accidents like short circuits and fire accidents. 

How does data storage work?

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All types of storage are a type of retrievable containers essentially. You use them to store information and access it when needed. They are secured with password credentials, lockers, and so on so that data is safe. 

For traditional storage, the drive is stored in work locations. For server-based or hyper-convergence storage, you have large racks of computer drives linked together to offer safe space for storage.

Coming to cloud storage, it is something like an online server where you can store files and use them through the internet. One can use the data anywhere in the world if there’s an internet. 

Irrespective of the kind of storage, a physical component is needed to store the files safely. 

Although every business needs one or the other type for storage purposes, it is ideal to have multiple storage types for security and backup purposes. 

Simply said, although you have a cloud storage option, it is also better to have a local server or a hard drive storage option as a backup. 

What are the uses of data storage for businesses? 

Saving your data is the most important use you get with data storage. However, how much usage value you get from this depends on the type of data storage you use. 

Let us now see which type of data storage has which use. 

Access files any time:

You don’t know when and where you need to access the data. So, prefer some sort of storage. Let it even be physical storage such as papers. Although traditional options like this do not make it easy to access, it is better to have. 

Coming to the point of accessing files whenever we suggest going for cloud storage. Cloud storage or online storage lets users access the required files anytime globally. 

Besides, it is also easy for remote employees if they have login credentials.

Cost savings: 

Besides easing accessibility and operations, you also save a lot of capital. With an appropriate storage option, you work efficiently with fewer costs. However, the trick is choosing the correct method of storage. Preferring cloud storage makes sense if you have more employees and clients outside your office premises. 

This will not work out the same way if you have a vast team. It asks for a per-user fee, so you should choose enterprise-level storage options. Similarly, a small organization should not select the enterprise-level storing option. This asks for a considerable amount of time and money to maintain.   

Data security:

Secrecy is the key to success. You may have specific data that needs to be kept secret. In such a scenario, you can only uphold the secrecy with a proper storage facility. 

Which option you choose depends on your need and economy. If your company can afford we suggest going for cloud storage. This will secure your data since such storage provision companies spend a tremendous amount for security. They will take care of your data while you can focus on business. 

However, if you have orthodox or server-based data storage at the office location, we suggest going for tight security.  

Need not physically move data: 

This usage comes with a limitation. If you are still using physical storage or on-site data storage, you must physically transfer data. However, with the online storage option, this issue is not present. 

Lesser chances of data loss:

With the proper data storage method, your company can significantly lower the chances of losing data. We say appropriate because the traditional storage method may sometimes lead to data loss. Paper filing of data or server-based storage has some cons. Even these can be drastically nullified if you use a cloud storage method. 

Increases work efficiency:

If your establishment has occasions where customers ought to transmit documents, photos, or other files, maintaining a proper data storage solution is necessary. 

After all, present-day consumers and employees want swiftness in work. Time is crucial these days. So, with proper and advanced storage options such as cloud storage, you save time and increase your work efficiency. 

A small example of how your employees and customers can upload documents and save them using online storage supports this.  


In the end, a proper storage facility is a base for your business’s success. However, the more important key is how you choose one. With an appropriate selection, you can really make your business shine. Nonetheless, considering the present IoT scenario, we suggest going for a cloud-based type of storage facility. 

Keep all the pros and cons in mind and prefer your storage option. 

About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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