Meeting Software

7 Ways To Improve Your Remote Working Experience With Video Conferencing Software

  • Posted On August 26, 2021
  • By Sudheendra

As we return to normal, many companies have conceded some ground to remote work. Giant tech companies such as Facebook and Twitter now have permanent remote working plans. Many  small businesses have adopted a remote working culture as well. 

Are you considering remote working for your business? 

Covid-19 forced many companies to introduce remote working. By the look of things, it is not going anywhere. But without technological tools such as video conferencing, remote working won’t be possible.

Is your workforce remote working? And you don’t know how to improve your working experience with video conferencing? In this article, we tell you how video conferencing enhances the remote working experience.

But before we dive in, let’s answer this question:

Why does remote working matter now?

One of the advantages of a remote workforce is that companies can access a top-notch talent base. Video conferencing is at the center of remote work. Remote teams rely on it to communicate, sell, and interview job candidates. 

Quick stats: 

  • At least 76% of the remote workforce use video conferencing for remote work. 
  • More than 43% of employees agree that video conferencing helps them to be more productive.
  • 75% of remote working businesses report an increase in productivity. 
  • 89% of companies agree that remote working helps them complete projects faster. 

Also read: 7 Ways to Use Video Conferencing Software for Small Business

Use the following seven tips. Find out how:

An efficient video conferencing software can improve your remote working experience:

1. Video conferencing software allows to brainstorm

There is a lot that you can achieve with an excellent video conferring software. For instance, you can have a quick brainstorming session with a team. You no longer need to wait for them to arrive at your office. All you have to do is schedule a meeting, add a video call link, then send invites to all your team members.

Example: Thomas is the founder of Rank N Bank, an Amazon digital marketing agency. He wants to launch an email campaign for his business. The campaign will target people Thomas has recently connected with on LinkedIn. So, he wants to bounce off ideas with his marketing team from different parts of the country. 

He uses the Flowz Calendar to schedule a call for Friday afternoon at 2 PM PST. Then he sends invites to all his team members, including those living outside his state. They all accept his invites right away, and Thomas gets a notification. 

On Friday, the Rank N Bank teams have a brainstorming session. Thomas uses the whiteboard of the Flowz Meeting to write notes. Sometimes he uses it to draw simple diagrams to illustrate a point.

2. Video conferencing software allows you to record meetings

You can use video conferencing software to record all your meetings. Even your demos as well. You can access the recording whenever you feel like recapping. You can access the record any time and listen to each recording of the meeting. 

Example: James has a training session with every new member of his team. He saves all the meeting recordings in a folder that he keeps in the cloud. He can access those meetings whenever a need arises.

3. You can use video chat

A video conferencing tool like this one allows you to do more. You can use it to have a private and public chat with participants. Plus, no unauthorized participants can infiltrate your meetings.

Example: James has daily meetings with his team every morning. As a host, he can receive private chats from his managers on what needs to be discussed. This way, he can decide if the information is worth sharing with his team or not.

4. You can enjoy secure meetings

One of the benefits of using video conferencing software is that it is secure. Depending on what tool you use, with Flowz Meeting, all your meetings will be safe and secure. 

Example: You can use Flowz Meeting to host meetings without any violation of your privacy and that of participants. All you have to do is create unique logins. Then, upon inviting guests to join the meeting, you rest assured that no hackers will hack your sessions.

5. You can have longer one-on-one sessions

Working remotely doesn’t mean you can’t exercise an open door policy. You can still allow your team to talk to you anytime a need arises. 

One of the most exciting things about video conferencing software is its ease of use. It’s easy to have one-on-one sessions with any employee. Say you want to bring one of your lieutenants up to speed about something. All you have to do is schedule a quick video call with him. 

Example: James uses Flowz Meeting to have a one-on-one with one of his new copywriters. Each day, he can have more than one session. Flowz Meeting allows him to have as many webcams as he wants. Or even breakout rooms to keep other copywriters waiting. 

6. You can share your screen 

Seeing is believing when it comes to closing sales. That’s why  at least  66 % of executives view mobile video and real-time data-sharing as crucial parts of their day-to-day communication.

There is a lot you can do with screen sharing. First and foremost, you can bring everyone in your team up to speed about what needs to be done. And you can collaborate on documents in real-time, guide your team on what needs to be done. 

Example: The Flowz whiteboard allows you to annotate a document as you are sharing it. During those fierce brainstorming sessions, you can keep everyone on the same page. Allow team members ask questions, or make suggestions in real-time.

7. You can turn off your camera

There will be  days when you don’t feel like turning on your camera. That’s okay. A video conferencing software allows you to join a call with your camera turned off.

Example: Today James works from the comfort of his home. He is feeling a bit fluey, so he is still in his pajamas. 

Give your remote team the right video conferencing software

If you expect your team to collaborate well, always make sure that the video conferencing tool that they use works well, and has all the right features.

Your remote workforce should be able to share files, have private chats, and close sales faster. This way, you know that they will meet your business goals, and help you grow your business.

Looking for a user-friendly video conferencing software? Give Flowz Meeting a try today!

About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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