Work, Work Operating System, Work OS

Work OS, what does it has for your organization?

  • Posted On March 16, 2022
  • By Sudheendra

With remote working taking a rise, work management has become difficult. But, there’s a solution for this in the name of the work operating system (Work OS). As you know, Work OS is a cloud-based software platform that allows teams to build customized workflow apps. And this is what we will be discussing in this article. We will discuss beginning with what it is to how it helps organizations manage work, and other key takeaways. 

What Is A Work OS?

As said above, it is a cloud-based platform to make tailored workflow applications. Any Work OS facilitates businesses to plan, execute and track projects. These projects can be any such as day-to-day tasks to one-time projects.

Irrespective of what your organization’s size is, you can make use of this software. It gears you up to overview and manage multiple functions within the team or across the groups. It is something like a digital workspace for your organization. You just need to make use of apt apps to manage works properly.

Work OS will collect information from external tools, help your teams communicate about the job done, and place all workflows in one place. All these will create a centralized house for every work. 

How to choose the right Work OS for your company?

Any Work OS is for all users in an organization rather than a subset of professionals. They do not necessarily substitute other software systems but typically encapsulate them via integration.

All Work OS offerings differ in flexibility and ease of use. So, it is crucial to pick the best one for your requirements.

Below are the points to consider before selecting one for your organization. 

  • Flexibility: How adaptable is it? Can it adapt to your firm’s workflows? Can users construct their own applications with no coding or minimal coding to build custom-made features to handle their workflows?
  • Integration: Can it integrate with the means your institution is using?
  • Ease of adoption: Can teams use it? Is it instinctive? What amount of learning curve is it having for your teams? Does the Work OS need IT implementation?
  • Time: Does it support syncing teams and employees? Does the system save time or produce more work? Does it help automation that can eradicate manual chores? Does it ask you to employ someone to handle it?


Why should your team use a Work OS?

Why you should use a Work OS

It will connect existing silos and enhance your organizational agility by consolidating data, contextualizing communication, and providing visibility across your organization:

  • Pushing fast: Will empower your teams to quickly adapt by mechanizing grunt work and providing them the freedom to work in the best possible way. This speedier work will remain in line with the standards of your organization.
  • Centralizing data: It will converge information from disconnected tools in a single place, so everyone who has permission can use it to decide, considering the data present. This process breaks through data silos.
  • Contextualizing communication: It will help your teams intercommunicate about the work progress. So, it allows various business units to share work plans and products easily. This feasibility will overcome collaborative silos.
  • Providing visibility: Will centralize data and communications, giving your leaders a picture of everyday works and ensuring alignment with defined processes. It will overcome operational silos.

Work OS benefits will evolve into a digital workspace for your organization that unites teams to their respective work and tools. They solve many of the challenges said above for your organization. 

Let us see the below two cases to understand why Work OS is the key for you to break through silos and walk through easily. 

Case 1: A marketing firm uses a Work OS to prepare and execute day-to-day campaigns, like social media, offline brand advertising, search engine PPC, and email marketing. These activities need synchronization and collaboration across various design, content, production, creative, operations, finance, and sales teams. Each team needs to align with every other team at all times, and leadership requires an overview of progress, costs, workloads, and the ROI of the running campaigns. The marketing firm will use the Work OS to streamline workflows, including handling legal agreements, onboarding new clients, and obtaining and prioritizing client proposals.

Case 2: A software development organization uses it to unite product owners, developers, and customer success managers. Work OS gets all the information and integrates it from the teams’ tools. Every internal and cross-team communication occurs within the Work OS platform:

  • Product owners manage roadmaps, prioritization, and feature requests.
  • Developers notify product owners of problems and progress.
  • Customer success agents will notify product owners of customer requests and more.


How will Work OS help your organization? 

It basically does the below seven favors: 

  1. Company-wide usage. Every employee can benefit from it. It is not limited to a particular team or function.  
  2. Building blocks. It utilizes functional building blocks which your teams can drag and drop to form apps. These apps handle and capture work besides presenting data. A user can separate and reassemble any application and workflow present on the Work OS.  
  3. Well-built data storage. It captures every piece of information through automation and human actions to give you digestible and wholesome data. You can use the data as-is or modify it as a user of it.
  4. Integration of apps and data. You can connect external apps and data sources to make a single workspace. Integrations lets you continue using your favorite tools while also shrinking all works into a single shared work hub.
  5. Automation of workflow. A Work OS lets automation of multiple operations of your business, if not all. It removes human faults for predictable, repetitious works.
  6. Data visualization and analytics. Every user who has access to the Work OS and has permissions to a respective data source can make visualizations and reports with the system. Reports and dashboards help your employees in data-driven decision makings.
  7. Permissions and governance. The system has administration and permission-settings features regarding who can see, update and provide data. People also need licenses for integration and automation of work. All these allow your teams to work individually and align with organizational goals and needs.


What are the benefits of Work OS for remote teamwork? 

Benefits of Work OS

As you know, remote working is the norm of the day. However, for it to become successful, a Work OS with flexibility is the first foundation. When it is there, your teams get the ability to swiftly make procedures and workflows that match their particular requirements, whether they are located in the same office or distributed across the globe.

Here are a few of the Work OS benefits for your remote teams: 

Articulating ‘in context’: You can get in touch directly for any project or purpose with an established space to communicate in real-time with the facility to mention team members, units, and everyone on the workflow application. You can also share files, comments, and feedback in a single central place to bypass long virtual meetings and continued email threads.

Boosting accountability: We know how hard it is to ensure teams stay and stick to their works in a remote work setting. However, you can make it easy and practical by assigning owners to action items. Accountability increases as everyone know what work they have to accomplish. 

Remaining on top of workload: You can also quickly see who is doing what and who can take on new projects. You also know who does not work to evade burnout. Re-allocate or reschedule work as needed to make sure you meet all the deadlines on time.

Bear all these in mind and choose a Work OS. Keep your need and the type of industry you are into before going for one. 

About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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