Communication software, Meeting Software, Productivity, Work

Why Your Business Needs A Video Conferencing App?

  • Posted On February 28, 2022
  • By Sudheendra

Has your business faced problems such as remote coordination of employees and clients? If so, then it is time to start thinking about conferencing software. The conferencing application can be any like video, text, or voice. But, we suggest you opt for video conferencing software as your business communication tool. Why we say this, let us see now.

What is a video conferencing app?

what is a video conferencing app
what is a video conference software

It is a live meeting between two or more people using video-enabled devices, and it needs the internet. It transmits video, audio, text, and other exhibits in real-time. 

Different types of video conferencing: 

Video conferencing is of different types. In general, these are the significant types: 

  1. 1:1 conversations
  2. Internal video calls/team meetings
  3. External video calls with a customer or vendor
  4. Large, all-hands meetings 

1:1 conversations:

This is the most common type of video conferencing used for internal communications. It helps managers effectively manage employees, individual clients, and other routines. 

You can also use it to conduct interviews. Actually, using this mode saves both your time and the interview time. Besides, leading the discussion in this way is as good as conducting an interview in person. 

Internal video calls/team calls: 

Internal video calls/meetings are vital to keeping your team members in the loop. This type is more needed if your company operates remotely or has employees spread across. Video team meetings foster oneness amongst the team. It also ensures work is monitored from anywhere.

Large/all-hands conferences:

All-hands and town halls video conferencing meetings have become common. They are one way to keep in touch with employees. These video conferences allow knowing the company’s milestones and other key developments. Such video conferences help employees to stick to the company’s goal.   

External video calls/vendor and customer relationships: 

This is one more frequent type of video conferencing. You also need to stay in touch with clients and vendors as a company owner. When you can’t meet persons in person, or this is how you can meet.

How to choose a video conferencing app for your business? 

Tips to choose a video conferencing software
Tips to choose a video conference application for your business

Of course, video conferencing apps are vital for your business. But, the key is knowing how to choose one. It depends on many aspects such as the size of your company, cost you can bear and other things.  

Below are the points you should keep in mind before going for one.

  • The number of participants: How many people regularly take part in meetings. Every video conference app comes with a restricted number of participants. Check this in particular and see how many participants are allowed and what price. 
  • Video feeds: Of course, many services allow 100s of participants, if not thousands. But, what about the video streams. Keep an eye on this. 
  • Ease of use: A confusing interface is always a hurdle to your business. Interruptions and delays are what we don’t want in a video meeting. Is it reasonable to struggle to share a screen or faint voice? 
  • Mobile experience: The essence of video meetings is to connect remotely, and it can also be from mobiles. So, ensure the service you prefer gives a positive experience on any device. 
  • Recording: You can only review and go back to the meetings if the video conferencing app has a recording facility. Check how much recoding space you get. 
  • Screen sharing: Document sharing has a significant part in every video conferencing. Coordinating and explaining becomes easier for you when there’s a proper screen-sharing facility.  
  • Room systems: A few of you may be using conferencing rooms for many reasons. In this case, you should check if the app can go appropriately for this type of setting. 
  • Application integration: Smart meetings are the new norm. It applies to video conferencing too. It is better if your video conferencing app can integrate with third-party applications like PowerPoint, Google Calendar, and others. When such feasibility is there, meetings run smoothly. 
  • Customer support: When something goes wrong, where do you go? Customer support, right? So, check this beforehand. Some technical hitch and you are left alone. This is not what you want.

How does a video conferencing app benefit your business? 

There are many advantages of video conferencing software when your company uses it. 

You save business travel costs: 

On average, companies spend about 10% of their revenue on business-related travel? So, your company is no different? Now, how do you bring down this expense? Well, it is simple. Try using a video conference app for meetings instead of going in person (wherever feasible). Encourage your employees to go for video conference meetings. This way you save not only money but also time. 

Remember, business travel expenditure is anticipated to reach $1.7 trillion by the end of the year. So, do you want to be part of this amount? 

Besides, a recent study reported that employees who travel less and video conference more are healthier, happier, and more productive.

Enhanced communication: 

You know that words alone aren’t communication. 93% of communication is nonverbal. Communication is effective when it also has non-verbal signals. Your business communication becomes complete when it has body language. Body language such as facial expressions, postures, and other visual information is best conveyed through video-conferencing. 

You can give a complete picture of your communication with the video app. The viewers and listeners are also attentive as they are continuously watched. 

Quick Reach:  

Necessity doesn’t knock us in advance. There might be situations where we need to pass a message on an urgent basis. During such times a video call is the best savior. You can arrange and gather all the required people in just seconds. It allows passing on messages in less time and without physical gathering. 

You can also provide work from home with proper communications tools to save more. A study found that companies in work-from-home mode saved at least $11,000 per person per year. 

Increased employee satisfaction: 

Healthy and happy employees are always an asset to your company. With video conferencing software, you give your employees both health and happiness. 

From the pandemic, remote working is on the rise. 77% of employees voted for remote working. But, on the same front, loneliness is also on the rise amongst them. So, how do you deal with it? Start using video conferences to build rapport with your employees. Video conferences need not always be for business and company purposes alone. In this scenario, you can use them to build a strong relationship with your employees. 

87% of people feel more connected with their team on video.

Video conference is for every business: 

A video conference app is needed regardless of your business type and industry. From infrastructure to health and from banking to insurance, businesses need communication. So, what is wrong with going for the best one: VIDEO CONFERENCING SOFTWARE. 

When you implement video conferencing, you reap all the above benefits. Besides, 55% of employees following the pandemic are interested in remote working. It holds true for all industries. 

Meetings become meaningful: 

The one difference you notice with your video conferencing meetings is they are LIVELY & MEANINGFUL. It does not happen with other modes of communication. 

A video conference makes your meetings more presentable, audible, and viewable. You have collaboration tools such as real-time document editing, audio, and video recording, screen sharing, and chatting.  

All said and done, a video conferencing app is the need of the hour. However, a large depends on how you choose it. Keep the above guidelines in mind and select. 


About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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