Communication software, Meeting Software, Messaging software, Messaging tools, Productivity, Work

Why Do Businesses Need Messaging Apps?

  • Posted On February 21, 2022
  • By Sudheendra

How do you grow your business when customers and employees are spread across? Strong communication and collaboration. And this happens when you have proper messaging apps. Messaging tools give you the ease of connecting with your stakeholders. They provide that much-needed communication platform for your business.  

But, how do you choose the correct one from the cloud? How do you benefit from it? You should keep such questions in mind before zeroing one. Choosing messaging software isn’t a simple task. But we will take you through this. 

Let us begin with the core point. 

What is a messaging app? 

It is a chat app or platform that lets users message each other in the simplest definition. It can be through desktops or mobile devices. Say, for instance, Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, Talk, etc.

Now, the second crucial concern is knowing…

Why your business needs a messaging app? 

Customers are on messaging apps: 

Do you know where many customers spend their time on messaging apps? They are no more on social media platforms. So, if you have to spend time with your customer, you need messaging software. 

When you have it, you can connect and promote your product. Besides, it has the most satisfying social networks and mobile apps elements. They are also secure and economical compared to social networks. 

A shift in social media marketing: 

Social media marketing is taking a new way, at least from the past decade. They are the core platforms for all marketing needs, from branding to closing sales. 

So, without further mentioning, you need to shift to messaging apps. If you don’t move, there’s no social media marketing for your business. 

Steering dark social:

Now, what is ‘dark social.’ It is – “social sharing that comes from outside sources that web analytics tools cannot track.” 

As we know, messaging tools are communication mediums between one-to-one or one-to-many messengers. On these apps, getting or tracking information shared or passed is complex. It is where dark social comes into action. 

Dark social consists of social platforms such as messaging applications, emails, and private browsing. Studies say an incredible 70% of online referrals initiate from this so-called dark social.

The perfect example of a business that used dark social to its advantage is Facebook. Taking over WhatsApp, Facebook increased Messenger’s user base to over 900 million per month. 

Think of a messaging tool seriously. Your business will capture dark social advantages only with messaging software.

The prospect for marketers:

Probably, the one question in marketers’ minds is how to reach customers through a better private type of social network channel. Marketers need this as conventional advertising forms are not welcome in their inboxes without permission. If this is also your marketer’s concern, switch to messaging software. Messaging apps give him/her the freedom to communicate personally. 

One can better make use of dark social with such apps. Your marketers will personally shape campaigns, news, event invitations, and other exclusive content. When there is unique content, results will be more positive and progressive.  

Leveraging bots:

Bots, also a kind of personal messaging app, converse with humans. They educate and entertain humans. They do the same as other messaging applications. All these goodness of bots clubbed with dark social media will only foster your communication and business adjacently. 

These are only a few pros that cement the uses of messaging apps.

How to choose the best messaging app for your business?

messaging software

  • Privacy: Every message you send and receive is yours. It isn’t a public message. So, the messaging app you choose should keep your data confidential. If your business-related messages are leaked, there’s no point in having them.
  • Cost: This is the key. How much can your business capital afford? Is spending it needed? If I expend, what returns will it give me? 
  • Swiftness: The messaging software must be ultra speed in communicating. Your messages should reach the other on time. If it does not happen, communication delays. Ultimately, your business delays. 
  • Features: It should have text, video, and audio elements. These qualities excel your business. 
  • Customer support: Well, this is also a key player. You may encounter hiccups in day-to-day usage. If there’s no proper customer support, how do you solve the problems? 
  • Usability: Every messaging software has some usability. But, what usability it has for you. You should check if it is compatible with other tools you’re using. It should be feasible for all your departments. Every partner of your business should get some usage value. 

Above are the core points that should go into your decision-making. What do you really need from a messaging app? Are you looking for just text messages or both audio and video? What is the capital you can invest? 

Think on such lines and make a decision. The clearer you are on these concerns, the more benefits you get from using a messaging app. 

Before betting down on a paid version, it is always best to check for the free versions. Go for the paid version if you think it works for your business.  

Which messaging app should your business use?

There is no single point answer for this. However, the base rules you should keep in mind are: 

  • Your business type
  • The industry you’re in 
  • Your customer type 

There are many messaging apps, and if all these do not suit your needs, you should make one for yourself and find the solution for your needs. 

Final checklist before jumping into a messaging app: 

Messaging applications are perfect for your business only when you know the below: 

  • What is your budget? Usually, free apps come with some limitations or catches. So, based on your condition and capital, you should go for a premium form to get the best user experience.  
  • Do not simply begin intercommunicating with your consumers because you can. Think if it will have an impact. If so, how far and to which customer. 
  • Suppose your messaging app has poor customer service. You will lose your business and also your goodwill. So, once you decide to go for a messaging app, think about having enough resources to keep it reasonable. Make it meaningful for your customers. 
  • How much should you monitor this channel? Will it be better served with a person or a bot? Think this way to avoid practical bottlenecks. 
  • What is your brand voice going to be like over this medium? You will have to train your teams to communicate in a fashion that echoes your brand’s mission and values. 

Ask yourself all these questions before going to the implementation of messaging software for your business. 


Before you leave, have a quick look at why your business should use messaging software.

Messaging apps are the need of the hour. They offer unique, engaging, and effective communication and brand interactions. Now, make a proper move carefully if you think all these points can make a meaning to your business.

About Sudheendra

Sudheendra is a content writer and editor with over 9.5 years of experience. He presently handles content strategy and execution at Flowz.

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